Over Dampers/Conrad Hoffsommer

Joseph Garrett joegarrett@earthlink.net
Thu, 8 May 2003 07:46:04 -0700

You asked: "Were there overdampers which worked well?" IMO you have totally
lost the purpose of Over Dampers, in you rationale. Over Damper pianos were
made side by side with modern style uprights. The manufacturers knew how to
make an upright dampen to the standards we know today. They made the Over
Damper pianos to simulate the SOUND of the "ancient instruments", (my
terminology, which denotes the period of time when the technology and
knowledge was not refined.), only louder. Most Over Damper pianos sound as
they were intended. I truly wish that technicians would quit trying to
compare them with modern instruments. It is incorrect to do so.
Joe Garrett, RPT, (Oregon)

Been There, Didn't Like It, So I'm Here To Stay! [G}

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