Yamaha Model Question;too tight pins

A440A@aol.com A440A@aol.com
Thu, 8 May 2003 14:57:34 EDT

Will writes: 
> My experience has always been that on console and studio sized pianos Balwin
> pins are ALWAYS tighter and more difficult to tune than Yamaha.One of the
> pianos that I have serviced belonged to our Baldwin area sales rep. (at
>least  he was until just before they went into bankruptcy proceedings). His 
> console has the tightest pins of any piano I have ever tuned. When I 
> about the tightness of the pins he said "...because we want you technicians
> to 'feel' every pin".

 Umm, yes. I have measured Baldwin pianos with 200 in/lbs on the pins in the 
top octave!!  Absolutely no need for that much tension.  
    I think the reason for this sort of torque is simply for insurance that 
there are no problems with loose pins, but it is artless overkill.   And that 
is the reason that I, and more than a few other techs I have spoken with, 
recommend other brands of pianos. We simply don't want to fight that much 
tension to tune a piano.  

Ed Foote RPT 

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