Weirdly sound strings

Alan Forsyth
Thu, 8 May 2003 23:27:38 +0100

Hi Guys
Me again!

>>Hi Tom,
>My understanding from David Sanderson's class is that the 'bump' is
>the result of the winding being wound over itself; the result is that
>the mass is increased slightly.  The idea is that the extra mass
>mimics a bass string that would be wound all the way to the end of
>the speaking length.


John Broadwood straight strung grands of the late 19thC had wound bass
strings where the windings actually passed over the bridge, through the pins
and right up to the hitch pins. Where the string passed over the bridge, the
windings were covered with action cloth. I do not know what their reasoning
behind this idea was.
Alan Forsyth

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