Weirdly sound strings

Richard Moody
Sat, 10 May 2003 22:33:29 -0500

I would like to see a picture of this.  There is no reason that
I know of to include the winding of the bass string though the
bridge pins .  It is intuitive (for piano techs at least) the
wire portion might work best.
    Also John Koster conservator of keyboard instruments at
National Museum of Music (formally Shrine to Music Museum) wrote
an extensive article in AMIS that among things researched
Broadwood bass string issues in the 1790's but never mentioned
that the wound portion passed over the bridge.

        "The Queen pissed over the bridge"  a famous typo of a
headline in a British newspaper in the 1870's.  quoted by Richard
Harris in _My Life and Loves_.

> John Broadwood straight strung grands of the late 19thC had
wound bass
> strings where the windings actually passed over the bridge,
through the pins
> and right up to the hitch pins. Where the string passed over the
bridge, the
> windings were covered with action cloth. I do not know what
their reasoning
> behind this idea was.
> Regards
> Alan Forsyth
> Edinburgh

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