Major Kudos to Renner
Thu, 8 May 2003 18:31:26 EDT

I agree.  Lloyd Meyer told me that the Premium Blue hammers use this special 
felt exclusively and their hammer making process is unequaled in my opinion.  
I've been through their factory.  Occasionally, they come out a little too 
hard for many American technicians which requires more effort than they are 
used to.  But, the result is definitely worth the effort.  If a technician is 
not getting excellent results with these hammers, they might reassess their 
own voicing techniques.


In a message dated 5/8/03 10:31:44 AM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

 And I think that there Wurzen felt hammers are definitely the very 
 finest hammers in the world.
 Why else would STW Hamburg, Bösendorfer, Schimmel and Bechstein, to 
 name just a few, buy there hammers from Renner?
 The Netherlands >>

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