Wurzen felt

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Fri, 09 May 2003 22:06:31 +0200


I think perhaps the reason Wurzen felt specifically doesnt seem to generate
so much discussion is that the list is so dominatated by north american
idigenie that have no real knowledge of this felt by name. If these hammers
do have a counterpart in the US, it is likely that it is the Renner blue
that are closest, and then they are known by that name.

The larger subject matter of hammers in general comes up quite a bit
however, along with that aspect of voicing that has to do with the
manipulation of hammer felt consistence. It might be a good idea to find out
once and for all if  Renner does sell what you know as the premium Wurzen
felt hammers in america under another name.

As far as pillows instead of hammers are concerned. I would just love to see
one of these instruments that Del and Ron talk about, and view first hand
the installation process of said hammers from the moment they get unpacked
til the final touch of tone building is accomplished. I used a set of
Ronsens that I got handed down from my brother once some years back. They
went phoooofff when they hit the strings. And boy do I mean Phhhoooofff. But
upon a few applications of lacquer they actually sounded very nice.

I think that you are right in the assesment that laqure inhibits some of the
natural elasticity in hammer felt, but perhaps it provides a sort of
elasticity of its own in exchange ??

As I am very inexperienced with voicing new hammers this way, I will bow to
the experience of those who've done a lot of this tho.



antares@euronet.nl wrote:

> I have my own rather strong opinion but I certainly wish to respect the
> preference of people who have a different opinion.
> There are many different wines so to speak, but I was just wondering
> why so few techncians react to this issue as it actually one of the
> very aspects of our trade.....
> Antares,
> The Netherlands

Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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