Horowitz and Mohr

John Musselwhite john@musselwhite.com
Sat, 10 May 2003 14:03:57 -0600

At 08:24 PM 10/05/03 +0200, Richard wrote:

> > different from tires or an engine in a race car. It's the driver (and the
> > chassis) that is important, not the parts used in the car.
>Jimeness there John, I know a few car rebuilders that would very much take
>issue with that. They will go on for hours and hours telling you about all
>the non-stock modifications and not one of them would simply say the car is
>what it says on the chasis. Rather.. if asked directly they would say
>something like, "yeah the chasis is a VW, but the rest is mine! " And they
>would say so with pride.

I was thinking more along the lines of a race car put on display after the 
driver had passed on... for example, if Dale Earnhart's car went on tour 
without him it may very well have new tires and a different engine, but it 
would still be "his" car.


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