Tuning discounts

Phil Ryan pryan2@the-beach.net
Sat, 10 May 2003 19:46:11 -0400

I know that there are some techs that say, give no one a discount on tuning
fees, but this doesn't sit well with me.  Does anyone have a policy on
giving tuning discounts to relatives, friends, associates etc? For example,
do you charge your mother or sister(brother) for tuning?  If so, how much
(%)?  How about your lifelong best friend or co-worker(non-tuner)?  How
about a customer or teacher who sends you oodles of referrals?  Sometimes I
wish my friends and family would not call me for tunings.  What do you do?

How about pro-bono work- churches (your own), hospitals, old folks homes?
Does anyone do this and/or have a policy for it?

Phil Ryan

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