Tuning discounts

Richard Moody remoody@midstatesd.net
Sun, 11 May 2003 00:35:09 -0500

I would never charge to tune for family, unless they offered, and
then it would be a steep discount.  "Well I won't charge for
mileage which in your case would be 1324 miles."

For anyone else---if I am not going to charge I tell them before
hand.  If I am going to charge I don't tune until we agree.
    Now suppose the local highschool band director expects to have
his home piano tuned as a complement because he got me a $400
tuning job for a music festival.  Well; unless he makes less money
than me, by at least half, ferget any free tuning. He will get a
discount though----but 25% off is as low as I go. ---rm

----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Ryan <pryan2@the-beach.net>
To: Pianotech <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2003 6:46 PM
Subject: Tuning discounts

> I know that there are some techs that say, give no one a
discount on tuning
> fees, but this doesn't sit well with me.  Does anyone have a
policy on
> giving tuning discounts to relatives, friends, associates etc?
For example,
> do you charge your mother or sister(brother) for tuning?  If so,
how much
> (%)?  How about your lifelong best friend or
co-worker(non-tuner)?  How
> about a customer or teacher who sends you oodles of referrals?
Sometimes I
> wish my friends and family would not call me for tunings.  What
do you do?
> How about pro-bono work- churches (your own), hospitals, old
folks homes?
> Does anyone do this and/or have a policy for it?
> Phil Ryan
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