D.C. causing nausea?!

pianolover 88 pianolover88@hotmail.com
Mon, 12 May 2003 20:36:05 -0700

>I'm thinking that the water treatment in the tank<


There's only one little flaw in your theory; there is NO water tank! This is 
a partial system with only the heater bar and humidistat, hence, no water 
vapor or anything in the air.

I'm also wondering how to handle the situation when it comes to taking back 
the system. she said she wants me to just remove it and she's not asking for 
a refund...which is good because I'm sure i cannot return electronic stuff, 
especially used for a refund. Of course i could re sell it but it would have 
to be at a discount since it is used to some extent.

Terry Peterson

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Larry P. Trischetta" <ltpianoman@adelphia.net>
Reply-To: Pianotech <pianotech@ptg.org>
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
Subject: Re: D.C. causing nausea?!
Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 22:46:55 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Hi Terry,
My sister is VERY sensitive to almost anything! So much that if only one
person in a large room has any kind of cologne on or if anything gets
airborne that's not natural, she gets a migrain and other reactions. (She
stays home a lot!) Soooo.. I'm thinking that the water treatment in the tank
gets mixed and evaporated along with any chemical in the pads (blue dye??)
and MAYBE she is super sensitive to that when it gets dispersed into the air
she is breathing. Can't for the life of me think of anything else (not like
I gave it a ton of thought to begin with!). Hope this opens doors.

Larry P. Trischetta, Pocono NE Chapter
Scranton, PA
(back on the List after many many moons)

-------Original Message-------

From: Pianotech
Date: Monday, May 12, 2003 22:18:40
Subject: D.C. causing nausea?!

Called to schedule a tuning for regular customer, having installed a D.C.
dehumid/humidistat about 8 mo. ago. While she was happy i called to schedule

her next tuning, she also said something that really shocked me..no pun
intended! She said that she UNplugged the D.C., not long after I installed
it in her Yamaha U1, because (she claims) it was making her NAUSEOUS!! Has
ANYone EVER heard of this happening? I asked her how she could be certain
that The D.C. was the culprit, and she said that as soon as she unplugged
it, the nausea was gone! I'm wondering if she could actually have this
reaction to the D.C., or is it more likely that she imagined it or something

along those lines. This Is indeed a first for me, having installed countless

D.C. systems, but never one complaint...at least up to this point. Has
anyone EVER heard of this kind of thing happenning, or blamed on a

Terry Peterson

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