D.C. causing nausea?!

Tom Driscoll tomtuner@attbi.com
Tue, 13 May 2003 00:24:13 -0400

Subject: Re: D.C. causing nausea?!

>I'm thinking that the water treatment in the tank<


There's only one little flaw in your theory; there is NO water tank!
This is 
a partial system with only the heater bar and humidistat, hence, no
vapor or anything in the air.

I'm also wondering how to handle the situation when it comes to taking
the system. she said she wants me to just remove it and she's not asking
a refund...which is good because I'm sure i cannot return electronic
especially used for a refund. Of course i could re sell it but it would
to be at a discount since it is used to some extent.

Terry Peterson
	  With as much respect toward your client as possible, she seems
to be living in a separate reality.  
	I was onboard with the mold theories, but she would have just as
much chance of getting sick from the light bulbs in the house as the
     As the installation was only a few minutes I would refund all but
my basic service charge in the interest of good customer relations
(assuming the travel time is minimal)
	I have a D.C. and H2 that I use in the shop during summer to
keep the parts closet with the music wire dry. Just a thought.
	 Tom Driscoll RPT 

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