No Power Yamaha revisited

Ron Koval
Tue, 13 May 2003 20:36:14 +0000

So you have a C6 and a C7 that both have the same symptoms.  Yet, not all 
C6's and C7's show the same, do they?  Instead of a design flaw, is there a 
possiblity of anything being loose, or stripped screws,... check all the way 
down to the action bracket feet.  I only see one of these, so I don't have 
much background "feel" with these particular pianos.  Can you see a 
deflection in the rail by pressing down, or lifting up on the rail?  Can you 
see it bow, or is there more motion than that?  Can you get the same 
symptoms close to the action brackets?   See if you can measure/find what's 
moving/bending before changing too much.

Anybody familiar with Yamaha rail problems in certain years?

Ron Koval

But to the solution then.... the Yamahas have this peice of aluminum on the
front of the rail, perhaps thats not doing the job. I wonder if it could be
replaced with something a bit more heavy duty ? Anyone replaced a rail 
because of this ?

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