HT tests

Richard Brekne
Thu, 15 May 2003 09:27:40 +0200

Hi  HT lovers

I was just about ready to write a post on this a couple days back
relating the rather negative results I've had so far. It had become
rather apparent that unless I am in there prodding and pushing all the
time, interest simply disappears. Nobody seems to care at all about
whether a piano is tuned this way or the other way, as long as its tuned
as it were.  As this then reflects that HT interest is dependant on my
influence and not some naturally occuring self truth, I had decided to
drop the whole thing......

Then.. yesterday on the way out of the conservatory I am stopped by the
professor whoms two pianos are used in the comparison example. A Young
Chang and a Yamaha C6, very comparable sizes. He wanted to tell me how
extatic he was over what I had done to his Young Chang. Whether it was
the voicing, or action work or the tuning he couldnt say, but that the
piano had gained a melodic and musical character that it had never come
close to having before. He was in a hurry so we didnt get a chance to
really talk much about it.

Now the thing is.... I havent done any significant voicing or regulation
work on this piano for about 6 months now. Course he likes the Yamaha
very much and doesnt use the Young Chang much, so maybe he was just
getting around to seriously checking it out again and noticed that work
as well for the first time. Or maybe its the temperament.

In anycase... I have his attention now, and I think I can talk him into
a small project with our two Steinways next fall. Each week one of the
professors is supposed to arrange a 2 hour class for all the
pianostudents, where they discuss this and that, play a bit here...
perhaps one of the students has something special prepared..or pehaps
some lecture is given... sort of open to whatever the professor that
week wants to do. We could use one of these sessions to check out
students preferences on several levels.

I'll keep you  posted as things develope.

Richard Brekne
UiB, Bergen, Norway

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