Gawd am I having fun yet?

Clyde Hollinger
Mon, 19 May 2003 18:09:17 -0400


Is this the only one of these reverse sticker actions you ever worked on?  I do
quite a number of them, including about 15 Cable-Nelson spinets.  In my opinion
they are less trouble to get apart than the normal spinet, but you have to know
the procedure.  They were made by Everett, and while they may not come up to
Acrosonic spinets, I haven't found them all that bad.

None of them have given me all the trouble you mention.  I think you just got a
bad one.

Clyde Hollinger, RPT

Joseph Garrett wrote:

> Just had ta give you all a chuckle/frown for the day.
> Yesterday, (Saturday), I had the dubious honor of working on "Mom's Piano".
> A 1953 Cable-Nelson Spinet. What a marvelous bit of stupid engineering!

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