Thar She Blows!
Mon, 19 May 2003 23:02:38 EDT

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In a message dated 5/19/03 9:31:39 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> Replaced hammers, shanks, butts, keytops, and almost all felts--including
> key rest and hammer rest rail--in an old upright.
> I won't have any trouble getting a good-looking and good-working key height
> based on keyslip, nameboard, and available dip but I have to settle on a
> blow distance before going further.
> The set-up, with new parts, is about halfway between 1 5/8" and 1 3/4"
> Does yourall's (I made up the word) experience think that is good enough or
> should I rip out the rest rail felts and re-shim it .... and if so, should 
> I
> go for 1 3/4" or 1 7/8"?
> Is there a simple way to decide this, or do I need to completely regulate 3
> or 4 keys before I know it will work?
> One other factor, maybe not too relevant to the discussion. It has long,
> tall dowel-capstan type stickers.
> Alan Barnard
> Salem, MO


Before doing any kind of major rebuilding like this, you HAVE to take 
measurements of what's there, even if you think you can improve on it. But 
since you didn't, most older uprights had a blow distance of 1 7/8". Start 
with that, and see how everything falls into place. 


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