Bridge Pin Height Regulation, was: More, More (was Re: Thar She Blows!)

Ron Nossaman
Tue, 20 May 2003 10:37:11 -0500

>What do bridge pin pounders that don't like to file use to regulate bridge 
>pin height. I find that using a little piece of wood as a gauge seems to 
>work well until you are finished, and then you realize your pin heights 
>are still undulating. Then if you go and try and touch up, you end up with 
>some pins just too darn short.
>What tricks are available to mask the effects of a bridge pounding slob?
>Terry Farrell

I use a punch I made from a piece of drill rod, drilled to what looks to me 
like the proper depth, and ground to the angle of pin lean on the bottom so 
the bottom of the punch is parallel to the bridge top in use. I watch as I 
drive, and stop before hitting the bridge with the punch. Holes in the 
bridge are drilled deeper than necessary, and the pins are not bottomed in 
the holes.

Ron N

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