Thar She Blows!
Thu, 22 May 2003 03:06:39 EDT

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In a message dated 5/21/2003 5:42:38 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> Bob
>  How does back checking figure into your method?
> Paul C

Checking does hold the hammer forward so that the jack can get back under at 
speed. The angle of the butt leather is also more "open" with the hammer 
forward, making it even easier. However, often with slow key release, the jack 
often drags on the back of the butt, and the hammer returns to rest position 
before the jack gets back under. In this case, with the hammer fully back, one 
wants only enough lost motion to let the top of the jack slip along the leather 
(and, I might add, the little stop felt should allow it under only so far as 
necessary to fully engage the butt upon the next keystroke.

I hope that's what you meant by your question. If not, I'll try again.
Bob D

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