Inaccessible Let-off Screws
Fri, 23 May 2003 11:10:49 EDT

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Michael Spalding wrote:
>Is there a tool I don't own yet, for adjusting let-off screws with=20
>low overhead

Bill Ballard replied:

> A hemostat. Not only can it clamp onto the body of the screw and turn=20
> it, it can poke through the eye for about 30=BA of turn (depending on=20
> which way the eye is facing) or it can grab "across" the eye for=20
> about 90=BA of turn (again depending on eye orientation).

And I like the small pair of needle-nose pliers which I always carry anyway.=
Better leverage than the hemostat (actually I mean worse leverage - less han=
movement per jaw mvmt) and I can use either one jaw or two to insert in the=20
eye, depending.
Bob D

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