Removing Lindner cheekblocks

Sat, 24 May 2003 22:40:31 -0400

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Removing Lindner cheekblocksI suffered through this and was ready to =
give up when a nearby workman with better eyes than mine spotted the =
screws as you say even with the keybed.  I removed the cheek blocks but =
it seems to me that there was a pin that the blocks sat on. If you can't =
get a reply to solve this let me know and I'll revisit the piano and try =
to see how I did it.  I do know it was very stressful and I was amazed =
at such an arrangement.  Jim Dally
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Sherry=20
  To: Pianotech=20
  Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2003 1:58 PM
  Subject: Removing Lindner cheekblocks

       I felt greatly humbled today.  I planned to do some action work =
on a Lindner 5'8" grand but was unable to get the cheekblocks out.  I =
checked in the archives and noticed there was another post in 2001 about =
this problem but couldn't find any answer.  Does anyone have any =
experience with this instrument who could give me a step by step removal =
process.  I found a screw  on each cheekblock parallel with the keyboard =
almost below the level of the keys that could be the holding device but =
it was impossible to get to because of the keys.    When I tried to =
unscrew it, it was blocked by the keys.  Hope someone out there can =
               Thanks,   Sherry

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