Reinstalling action stack?

Keith McGavern
Tue, 27 May 2003 12:46:00 -0500

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At 12:07 PM -0500 5/27/03, Cy Shuster wrote:
>... there was a comment that the action should be reinstalled with 
>the screws to the top of the stack loosened, to be tightened after 
>the action's back in place, seated on the keybed.
>  ... Should I follow this same procedure when I reinstall the stack?

I remember reading that and was puzzled myself for doing such a thing 
at all. Perhaps whoever wrote that could repost their reasons for 
saying such a thing.

As far as I am concerned, there is no reason to leave the screws 
loose, sake for having to take the time to tighten them, then undo 
them again to remove the action stack to reinstall the keys.

If necessary, shimming the feet of the action brackets where there is 
obvious space would take place at this time before securing the 
screws, that is of course, only if one deems that an important part 
of the bedding process as I do.

Keith McGavern
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