Triple overstrung upright

Clyde Hollinger
Wed, 28 May 2003 18:13:38 -0400


As a person uneducated in piano design, I'd like to respond anyway.  First,
almost no one is making spinets anymore, and I for one say good riddance.
Why would you want to bring them back in any form?  Second,  I think you're
going to have a tough time designing a working action for your bass
section.  Third, is there actually *any* kind of upright 68" wide?  I have
my doubts.


Stephen Airy wrote:

> ok... so I'm an absolutely horrid artist, but how's this for making
> bass/tenor strings longer and being able to put plain wire trichords lower
> in a spinet?  basically, the bass would be at a fairly acute angle, with
> the bridge running almost vertical, instead of diagonal, and there would
> be a separate upper bass bridge with several plain-wire trichords.  The
> tenor strings, would be greatly fanned out in the first octave or two.
> Or... does anyone have any better ideas for that size piano?  Ok.. I know
> spinets normally aren't 68 inches wide, but I figured if I made a spinet
> as wide as some older uprights are (that had the extra wide keyblocks at
> each end) I would have a little more room.

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