No-show fees?

Ron Nossaman
Thu, 29 May 2003 22:33:05 -0500

>I have just the opposite experience here.  I think folks bend over backwards
>to get that free tuning.  It's getting them to be flexible and part with
>money, that's the trick.
>Mike Bratcher

Yes, they sure do want that free tuning, but... The usual assumption is 
that I am on salary (from somewhere) and it doesn't affect my income one 
way or another whether I actually work or not. Finding that I'm self 
employed, they've even explained to me that I really wasn't out anything 
because it didn't actually cost me money - I just didn't happen to make 
any. A fine and interesting distinction. The second, and any subsequent 
tuning always goes much better, with very few problems. It's just that 
first freebie. Typical no-show rates for repeat customers is maybe one in 
forty. More often around holidays. Typical no-show rates for first time 
dealer tunings is more like one in ten.

Ron N

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