rebuilding decisions

Stéphane Collin
Sun, 3 Oct 2004 18:36:23 +0200

Hello Mark.

For what it's worth, let me share with you one of the three most important 
things I have learned this year.  It is about how to remove the soundboard 
(if you ever consider doing this).
First time I tried this, I put vinegar in rags on the joint between the 
soundboard and the rim, and waited two days, refilling the rags from time to 
time. After that, I used a very hot iron on a thin piece of wood laying on 
the soundboard joint, putting much pressure from below the soundboard by 
means of go bars and wedges.
As usual (sarcasms welcome, foreseen that... etc.) nothing happened, but the 
soundboard was getting burned by the heath.  The joint was still healthy 
after one more day trials.
Then that guy enlightened my (usual) darkness and told me to just put the 
piano upside down (strings facing the ground) and to put alcohol on the now 
far more accessible joint between the soundboard and the rim.  Believe me or 
not, but the board was out after 5 minutes, and neatly, very neatly.


Stéphane Collin. 

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