ethics question

Barbara Richmond
Tue, 5 Oct 2004 08:09:33 -0500

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Wait, do I understand that you just recently raised your rate, or did =
you raise your rate just for them?  If it's the latter, I would advise =
against playing games or being vindictive with folks.   I believe the =
financial incentive Alan was talking about, was something like a credit =
or discount toward future work depending on how many tunings were =
referred. =20

Barbara Richmond
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  To: Pianotech=20
  Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 7:54 AM
  Subject: Re: ethics question

  Alan, you are very right about that. I had a client call me back after =
going to another "tooner" (their teacher) and request a tuning. I gave =
them my current price which is $15 more than it was before and they =
balked. I said ,"That is my price, however I am booked for the next two =
weeks".They have not called back, but I don't care.

  Rick Ucci/Ucci Piano=20

    -------------- Original message from "Alan Forsyth" : -------------- =

    It may very well be that the teacher has been given a financial =
incentive to refer customers, or may be involved personally with said =
tech. I myself wouldn't lose too much sleep over it. Remember it is =
likely your ego is being hurt more than anything else and not your =
wallet. There are plenty of other income earners within the piano =
tuner's world besides tuning. If those lost customers should ever need =
to call you in the future, it might just be very tempting to say that =
you are fully booked for the next ten years.


    and my goodness, almost two whole digests of Pianotech dedicated to =

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