Rebuilding Decisions....

Joe Garrett
Tue, 5 Oct 2004 11:46:17 -0700

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Dale E. said: "Uhh Joe .Not always partner. It depends. I've seen many  =
uprights with the=20
bridge split up the tenor bridge are very healthy.

On uprights, yes. I agree. BUT, wheren't we discussing a Grand? On =
Uprights, for some darned reason, most manufacturers appeared to used =
the "reject" wood for bass bridges. I've never figured that one out, =
even tho it seems to be the case. In grands, however, the same quality =
of wood seems to be used on all bridges. My comment was from experience, =
that dictates, to me, that if one bridge is bad, the other is definately =
suspect. I've found this has proven out, over the years. Another thing, =
as long as we're doing this much, a little more will make a massive =
difference in the end results, IMO. So, there....Pstztszt!<G>

Best Regards,
Joe Garrett, R.P.T.
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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