3 questions

Mike Kurta mkurta@adelphia.net
Fri, 8 Oct 2004 14:44:52 -0400

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Hi Guys & Gals:
    I have 3 queries and rather than make three emails, I'll ask all =
three in this one.
1.  I have a local community center with an Estey  baby grand that =
appears to be minus an upstop rail to limit the damper lift.  Looks like =
it never had one.  Am I missing something?  Is there another element I'm =
not seeing, or will I have to fabricate and install a strip of =
felt-edged wood?

2.  This same customer wishes to put the piano out on the middle of the =
ice rink under a spotlight and perform a concert.  Any thoughts beside =
stability and possible damage? =20

3.  Anyone know of a good source of rubber bands?  I use them for =
keeping the lids on small plastic and metal parts boxes, but can't seem =
to get more than six months out of them before they disintegrate and =
break.  I've given up on the office supply store variety, and am using =
the nice wide, strong ones from broccoli and celery my wife brings home. =
But even they have a short life.  Anyone? =20

Thanks for your answers.....
    Mike Kurta
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