3 questions

Paul Chick (Earthlink) tune4@earthlink.net
Sat, 9 Oct 2004 19:37:32 -0500

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  Subject: 3 questions

  Hi Guys & Gals:
      I have 3 queries and rather than make three emails, I'll ask all three
in this one.

  3.  Anyone know of a good source of rubber bands?  I use them for keeping
the lids on small plastic and metal parts boxes, but can't seem to get more
than six months out of them before they disintegrate and break.  I've given
up on the office supply store variety, and am using the nice wide, strong
ones from broccoli and celery my wife brings home. But even they have a
short life.  Anyone?

  Thanks for your answers.....
      Mike Kurta
   I can't respond to 1 and 2, but 3: for parts boxes, cords, etc., that I
frequently open and/or use, I use double sided velcro strapping. Go to
www.fastenation.com.  They have quite the variety to choose from.

  Paul C

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