Ethics..Should be Perfume/Cologne/Aftershave

Ron Nossaman
Mon, 11 Oct 2004 11:57:23 -0500

>  Both situations have forced me to simply say: "I'm sorry, but I'm 
> allergic to the smells in your home and have to leave!" There is no other 
> way to do this, IMO. Anyho, that sort of thing is a two way street!
>Best Regards,
>Joe Garrett, R.P.T.

Much less being poisoned by the exterminator when you're half way into the 
tuning. For some reason, piano tuners, or maybe just service people in 
general, aren't considered to be life forms worthy of the consideration 
they give their dogs with the ribbons in their hair - whom are kept in a 
safe isolated place (with the owner) away from the bug spray until it's 
deemed safe to return.

Ron N

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