
Richard Brekne
Tue, 12 Oct 2004 20:45:42 +0100

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Calin Tantareanu wrote:

>Hi Richard!
>Do you have any pictures of your new type of string termination at the
>Best regards,
No... sure dont.  Its still in the experimental stage.. but I will try 
and draw a picture for you.  The basic idea is more or less this. 
Strings run through bridge pins as they do now, except the bridge pins 
are notched with a slot big enough to accept the string snugly and hold 
the string well off the bridge. A half round is positioned so as to 
deflect the string plane upwards... effectively insuring secure string 
contact with the half round, which is clamped by the string tight 
against the bridge.
Bridge pins probably have to be threaded and screwed into the wood of 
the bridge to keep them tight enough over the long term.

The position of the halfround is interesting, and I think can be used 
much like Wapins middle bridge pin is used.  In anycase... the few 
experiemental installations I have tried so far on junkers seems very 
promising. I believe in open source designing... so I post this to the 
general list in case anyone finds it interesting enough to have a wing at.


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