Sticky note: today's puzzler winner unveiled
Fri, 15 Oct 2004 10:44:10 EDT

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Thanks for responses.  A free subscription to this list goes to the lucky 
winner, Mike Spalding!  (see answer below).

I failed to specify how many notes were involved.  It was only one note per 
piano.  One was g3, one wa g#3.

Another weird sticky/noisy note problem I've had with a couple of these was 
the jack rubbing on the jack stop rail bolt.  

In a message dated 10/15/04 5:27:15 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Dave,
> If they don't stick when the damper pedal is depressed, then it's probably 
> the spoons hung up in the hole they've dug in the damper lever cloth.  I've 
> seen this once or twice.
> Mike

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