Downbearing - Setting with Loose Board
Sat, 16 Oct 2004 09:54:30 EDT

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  BTW did any of our posts help

I'd like to start a discussion on setting  downbearing as part of rebuilding 
a piano - specifically, what methods of  clamping the soundboard to the rim 
are used by those who plane their bridges  for appropriate downbearing prior to 
gluing the soundboard to the  rim.
Obviously one needs to have both the soundboard  and the plate in the case to 
set downbearing (bridge height). The problem  arises (at least for me) in the 
fact that the plate is in the way of  easily/directly clamping the soundboard 
to the rim (such that bridge height  relative to the plate will be accurately 
represented). I have used little  wooden wedges placed between the plate 
bottom and the soundboard top in the  past - and that seems to work - but I wonder 
if there is not a more  efficient/easier/faster way to do this.
How do others approach this task?
Terry Farrell
_www.farrellpiano.com_ ( 


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