RPT/Associate Debate

lgulli2586 lgulli2586@rogers.com
Mon, 18 Oct 2004 23:01:33 -0400

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I have been reading past posts in the ptg-1 archives re: RPT and =
associates debates...who should, who shouldnt advertise, who should be =
classified etc.. etc etc...If you deprive an associate of the right to =
let people know they are
interested enough in bettering themselves, would they still have to pay =
the almost 200.00 dollars a year to be a member. Do RPTS pay =
dues....elminate associates dues does PTG have any income left. I =
personally have all PTG info, on exams, pre-screen, back issues, almost =
every book ever written, glean all post here and Piano Forum, constantly =
study and practice. Ease of access to a mentor and technicals is 2-3 =
hours away, and somehow conflict with my sked. I am 52 now, and have =
made it a life dream and goal, to attain RPT status. I have not taking =
an easy road as so many have suggested, and just hang out a shingle =
under the PTG umbrella. Listening to a lot of discussion and technical =
hoopera some expouse is very intimidating. Maybe that is why a fear =
factor shows up, and many dont take the challenge. After reading  so =
many articles on tuning and technical work one is led to believe it is =
rocket science, and I aint a "rocket scientist"..Just a few thoughts.
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