RPT/associate debate

David Renaud drjazzca@yahoo.ca
Tue, 19 Oct 2004 00:34:55 -0400 (EDT)

   Toronto Canada eh. 
   You in my neck of the woods more or less, eh.

    Bob and I set up a test piano in Oshawa, 
and I am recording a master tuning on a C7 in Ottawa
come January. Test days are set Jan 11th, 12th.  We
can finally do testing locally.

   Write me privately, and I will make efforts to set
you up with some tutoring time and make sure Bob 
/Toronto has input into scheduling considerations
for the coming season. 

   We want people to upgrade. We want you to upgrade.
Lets talk about it more. 
                               Dave Renaud
                               Ottawa Chapter
                     email: drjazzca@yahoo.ca


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