top 10

Carl Teplitski
Wed, 27 Oct 2004 17:37:30 -0500

My son sings in a rock band, so he doesn't care if it's in tune. The music
is so loud, nobody can tell.

My little girl is a beginner, so do you have to tune the black keys , too ?

My son just started lessons, so he only plays a few keys in the middle.  Do
you have to tune it all ???

Just a few that I can remember, from the top.

Carl / Winnipeg

Phil Bondi wrote:

> I'm late getting to this thread, and of course some of the good ones are
> already taken.
> "Kitten On The Keys" sounds just fine, but thanks for the reminder.
> I just got done dusting it and it looked ok to me.
> I leave the house when my(significant other) is practicing, so it sounds
> just great to me.
> We don't need it tuned if it's not being played.
> I had it tuned 5 years ago, and it was fine then.
> give me some time..I'll come up with a few.
> Phil Bondi(Fl)
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