top 10

Kent Swafford
Thu, 28 Oct 2004 19:36:18 -0500

"I'm waiting for the perfect time, after we redecorate the living room 
and move the piano into its new position."

(I'm still waiting.)

"You tuned it so well last time, it just doesn't need it again."

(I have to admit, I kind of liked that one.)

And my all-time favorite:

"My daughter will be moving out on her own in a few years, so I don't 
want to be putting lots of money into the piano."

(The daughter was 12 at the time.)


On Oct 27, 2004, at 8:19 AM, wrote:

> List,
> I'm trying to put a top ten list together ala David Letterman on 
> amusing excuses people give for not tuning their piano.
> e.g. " The cat isn't complaining" (Mr. Whiskers has a tin ear and very 
> little formal training.)
> Rick Ucci/Ucci Piano

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