top 10

Dave Nereson
Sat, 30 Oct 2004 04:28:49 -0600

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 7:19 AM
Subject: top 10

> List,
> I'm trying to put a top ten list together a la [au] David Letterman on 
> amusing excuses people give for not tuning their piano.

    I don't get many excuses for not tuning except the usual "It slipped my 
mind,"  "It's something we just don't think about,"  "We were busy with so 
many other things,"  "It just wasn't a priority,"  "We just can't tell when 
it's out," "It didn't sound that bad,"  "The kids haven't said anything," 
"We didn't know it had been that long,"  "I'm tone-deaf (or "I have a tin 
ear ...) and can't tell when it goes out of tune," etc.
    But the main excuse I get for not ever having anything else done to the 
piano except tuning is:  "Well, we're not concert artists."  (Who is, 
besides a very select few?)
    --David Nereson, RPT

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