OT Political & Perfect Pitch

Phillip Ford fordpiano@earthlink.net
Fri, 29 Oct 2004 15:42:48 -0700 (GMT-07:00)

>The election will happen soon, and no doubt there will be more events 
>causing further discussion along these lines. So it's too much to ask the 
>topic to be closed now. I DO hope, however, that ... before Thanksgiving? 
>... we will be able to civilly conclude this and get back to piano work...
>Jason Kanter . piano tuning regulation repair

Christmas?  Let's see - 27 posts marked Political, or words to that effect, 
so far today (and the day is still young), including some from posters who 
have loudly proclaimed in the past their objections to OT or political 
posts.  I'd like to propose a new definition for Perfect Pitch:

It's when you pitch a Republican and he strikes a Democrat (or vice versa) 
and they knock a little civility into each other (and hopefully are 
rendered speechless for some protracted period of time in the process).


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