Bridge string termination

Ron Nossaman
Fri, 29 Oct 2004 18:09:58 -0500

>I see what you mean.  The patent shows a couple of different
>variations.  Neither of them is exactly like the photo.  In the photo, it
>looks like the round bearing piece on the speaking length side sits in a
>notch and is placed from above.  That looks like it would make it easier to
>assemble than the version shown in the patent.  Also, in the photo, there's
>no round bearing piece on the backlength side which is shown on one of the
>variations in the patent, but not on the other.  Still, pretty close.

Very close. Close enough that it seems likely to me that the one in the 
photo is what the patent drawing turned into when they were faced with 
making and assembling them by the thousands. There are a lot of 
similarities. Besides being ugly, it looks like a quite functional agraffe.

>By the way, are there other photos of this thing?
>Phil Ford

Three others, but the one I posted shows the most details.

Ron N

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