Bluthner Tuning (long-winded rehash of unison tuning)

Ric Brekne
Sat, 04 Feb 2006 12:06:13 +0100

Hey there Mark.

I agree about the soft focus bit.  But its an extremely soft focus. 
Folks have been talking about a <<beat>> that has its period longer then 
the sustain of the individual unisons.... not really a beat as it is a 
kind of wavering.  Regardless.... if one can speak of a sweet spot... 
thats what we are refering to.  Can get pretty mucky up there because of 
backlengths as well tho...

As to the <<experiment>>  I wouldnt hold your breath either.  I have 
heard de-strung (4th string) Bluthners from time to time.  Been a long 
while now tho... but I didnt particularilly react negatively those times 
I ran into them. Seemed a bit cleaner thats all.


Hi, Ric. Thanks for the link - I have not yet read the article, but I
will. It is a tradeoff, good word, between sustain and cleanness. It is
interesting to push against the border between those two, to see where
the limit lies. I used to be more absolute about it, but I'm loosening
up a bit. I just find that there are times when a softer focus yields a
pleasing effect. As to the Bluthner with/without aliquots, I won't hold
my breath for the results of that experiment. :)

- Mark

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