Adhesives for Plastic....(Yeah, I changed it)

David Ilvedson
Thu, 5 Jan 2006 22:44:57 -0800

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Any difference between Schaff's and Pianotek's?   

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, California

Original message
From: "Joseph Garrett" 
To: pianotech 
Received: 1/5/2006 10:33:25 PM
Subject: Adhesives for Plastic....(Yeah, I changed it)

"BTW never, never, never, ever use any contact cement --- except water-=
based -- for plastic keytops. Unless you want to watch them dissolve ..=
Where the heck did you get that bit of misinformation!??? Contact cemen=
t has been used forever, by one of our locals. (I used it for several y=
ears, as well.) He refuses to use anything else. His work is impeccable=
! No warping or any other signs of warping, etc. The only reason I quit=
 using him, is that I don't like the look I get/got from clients whose =
keytops were falling off, after only a few years!!! Hence, I do my own =
keytops and I use PVC-E, (from Schaff). It definately takes a lot more =
time to do them this way, but the tops will stay on! Worth the extra ti=
me involved, IMO.
Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I

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