works for me..

Brian Doepke
Tue, 10 Jan 2006 08:06:28 -0500

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Just sharing an idea that worked for me last night.
After getting a new set of flange burnishing tools, I found that it was kind
of tricky to re-insert them into the cloth case.  The long needles would
catch on the cloth.
I measured and then cut some plastic drinking straws and slid one into each
needle pouch.  The pouch "downbearing" holds the straws in place and now the
tools slide right in with out the hassle of getting caught on the interior
Also, does any one know the actual diameters of these tools?  Right now all
I have are the numbers 48, 49, ect. that are printed on the handles.
Brian P. Doepke
AAA Piano Works, Inc.

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