[pianotech] Raising rates in recession

Don pianotuna at accesscomm.ca
Sun Jul 4 13:39:14 MDT 2010

Hi Terry,

I was not blessed with having a list like this--so no one told me that
getting to 0.1 of a cent was ummmm a bit loopy? So because I was learning
largely by myself, I learned to move pins tiny increments (thank you Dr.
Coleman). I was using a Sot with knob pots...and it was capable of 0.01
cent measurement (yes, I know you can't hear that) so I was always falling
short of 0.1 cent accuracy. I darn near gave up tuning, too!

I was green as grass and didn't know about anticipated pitch drop either.
Tunings took a long time at first. There was no competant tuner within 200
miles, so I was lifting myself by my own bootstraps. That and conventions.

I still go to the basic tuning classes when I attend a convention. I'm
always striving to get better.

I was fortunate to be learning on a Yamaha C7, which is one of the cleaner
pianos out there.

At 10:18 AM 7/4/2010 -0400, you wrote:
>What on earth is that all about? 0.1 cents accuracy on a pitch  
>correction? On a final tuning pass? An how on earth do you measure  
>that? Most (if not all) strings will vary in pitch and least a few  
>tenths of a cent between the attack and decay - some, such as those  
>with false beats, will vary more than a cent.
>Terry Farrell
Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.P.T.
Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat

mailto:pianotuna at yahoo.com	http://www.donrose.ca/

3004 Grant Rd. REGINA, SK, S4S 5G7

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