[pianotech] Raising rates in recession

Susan Kline skline at peak.org
Sun Jul 4 15:01:20 MDT 2010

>So because I was learning
>largely by myself, I learned to move pins tiny increments (thank you Dr.

Don, I was not as green as you, but I learned about the tiny 
increments from Jim too, at a tuning workshop held in Washington 
State one year. That's when I started using the slapping. Bless you, 
Jim Coleman, Sr. (especially since on that lovely Northwest spring 
day when we were all in shirtsleeves you, fresh from Tempe, AZ were 
shivering in a three-piece suit.)

Susan Kline (P.S. .... Jim, I'm about half-way through recovery from 
Guillain Barre, which arrived like an evil guest on April 27. Only 
mine was the Miller Fisher variant, not like yours, which I take it 
was the conventional type. Maybe we should make a Survivors Club?)

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