[pianotech] Raising rates in recession

Susan Kline skline at peak.org
Sun Jul 4 14:46:44 MDT 2010

Sounds like if I were looking to buy an ETD (I'm not ...) the Verituner
would be the instrument of choice.


>However, the Verituner does its calculating differently. On a piano
>where you have not saved a tuning for (first time at the piano), one
>starts by sampling a number of strings/notes, much like the SAT -
>usually at least all the A's and strings adjacent to the bass/tenor
>break. Because the Verituner "listens" to all the notes and uses all
>the data (string partials) collected to calculate the next note, it is
>best to tune like an aural tuner does by tuning the temperament
>section first, then going up the scale, back to the temperament and
>then down.

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