[pianotech] tuning fork calibration

John Delacour JD at Pianomaker.co.uk
Fri Jul 9 15:34:06 MDT 2010

At 14:10 -0400 9/7/10, PAULREVENKOJONES at aol.com wrote:

>I like the Socratic questions!
>Also, for your and others amusement--

Very interesting.  It answers a few questions that I've been 
pondering just these two past days. Poor old Hansing would be turning 
in his grave.

Here's another URL for anybody using a Palm phone or any phone with 
Windows Mobile os.  I've just installed it on my aging Palm Treo


and found a good jar to amplify the sound.  I think I won't be using 
a tuning fork in the near future and won't need to file the phone or 
measure its temperature.

More to the point, if all that and a lot more is happening to a 
"simple" tuning fork, just think what is happening to a bridge or a 
soundboard -- or rather, just think how imponderable it is.


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