[pianotech] tuning fork calibration

Robert Scott fixthatpiano at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 9 18:54:18 MDT 2010

John Delacour wrote:

> Here's another URL for anybody using a Palm phone or any phone with
> Windows Mobile os.  I've just installed it on my aging Palm Treo...

Keep in mind that all software tone generators need to be calibrated, or at least have their calibration checked, including the one you cited.  The pitch that they generate is dependent on the frequency of the quartz crystal in the device's sound card.  I have seen Windows Mobile phones that are as much as 20 cents off, although most of them are much better than that.  The point is, until you have checked against a know reference, you don't know for sure.

I have a little write-up on calibrating forks at:


Robert Scott
Ypsilanti, Michigan


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