[pianotech] Tuning a temperament without counting beats

jimialeggio jimialeggio at gmail.com
Sat Jul 10 08:43:26 MDT 2010

  On 7/10/2010 1:58 AM, Duaine Hechler wrote:
> Well,
> I started to read this, keeping an open mind and try to understand it

Duane, don't give up....keep that open mind.

Feeling overwhelmed by a long list of steps  is simply a matter of 
devising a learning strategy.

Break that article down one step at a time, and just try to internalize 
that one step, not the whole shebang.

Play with that one step for a couple of weeks, then move on to the next 
step....or use some other incremental strategy.    You probably won't  
want to stop using your ETD, but I bet the sheer enjoyment of acquiring 
new skills would turn you on.

Jim I

Jim Ialeggio
978- 425-9026
Shirley, MA

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