[pianotech] soundboard grain angle vs "faux"stiffness

jimialeggio jimialeggio at gmail.com
Wed Jul 14 09:41:37 MDT 2010

> *It's dark, powerful and voluminous *
are you by chance a wine taster by trade <G>
> *and most have flipped out over its uniqueness but some are more found 
> of a more open sound. *
can I take this to mean prominent fundamental and lower partials with a 
reduced prominence of the uppers?

> *The design spec: is a grain angle that follows the long bridge 
> (approx 30 degrees off the long side)*


*,serious curved cut-off bar,

where does the cutoff end in relation to the tenor ribs?

Jim I

Jim Ialeggio
978- 425-9026
Shirley, MA

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