[pianotech] Abel naturals - report

John Delacour JD at Pianomaker.co.uk
Mon Jul 19 17:20:14 MDT 2010

At 17:54 -0400 19/7/10, Will Truitt wrote:

>The only thing I would add to what Dale has said is that make sure 
>you needle deeply enough.  I like to get pretty deep into the 
>shoulder with my needle(s).  If you can't push in 3 needles, then go 
>with a single needle.  Don't be afraid, you're not going to kill the 
>hammer in the shoulders.

I must say my experience of the natural felt has been very good 
indeed.  I have never used standard hammers covered in this felt but 
always have them custom made by Abel, and I have also had hammers 
recovered in the special natural felt.

I have not come across a felt that is easier to tone.  The needle can 
be pushed in far more easily than with some, and there is a 
satisfying crunchy feel as it goes in, which I associate with the 
felts of long ago.  With most hammers I do most of my toning by 
stabbing, but with these it is far less effort to use a pushing 
action for at least half the work.  For many years since I have used 
a single needle.

As to steaming them, I just can't imagine from my experience of this 
felt how this might ever be necessary.  All the sets I have had have 
been just the right amount too bright after preliminary papering up, 
requiring what I consider to be a reasonable amount of toning, and 
they are a pleasure to tone.

Although the link below is from Renner, I think many people would 
find it interesting and useful:


Much of what is written here is equally applicable to the Abel 
hammer, though there are a few things I would not accept -- for 
example the use of 80 and 120 grit paper for facing the hammers.  I 
would never go coarser than P 180.  The hammers I get from Abel are 
not concave at the top as they used to be and I think they face them 
up at the factory after cutting, which I am glad of.


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