[pianotech] Abel naturals - report

Dale Erwin erwinspiano at aol.com
Mon Jul 19 20:46:13 MDT 2010

Hi John
  You know the thing is though you can't imagine it may I say in all fairness to all hammer makers that making a consistent hammer to a desired density is a very difficult thing. Just when you think I got it nailed with one batch of wool the target can move.  Getting consistency in wool felt hammer sheets varies a little bit even under the most stringent and watchful eye of the felt maker. Each batch of wool is going to be slightly different.... and then the difference  becomes a variable to the hammer maker.  
  If one thing has become apparent in our discussion of the "Natural " felt is that many of us have had inconsistent results. It is the same with all hammers to one degree or another.
   Ha, but this is why we must apply a variety of voicing techniques to even out these inconsistencies.
As  David said, paraphrase, choosing an appropriate hammer for a given room, a given piano, a given soundboard style and a customer preference are all delicate variables to juggle.  It is amazing to me that any of us want to take the risk with someones treasured piano but then this is the personality of artisans.



Dale S. Erwin


Sent: Mon, Jul 19, 2010 4:20 pm
Subject: Re: [pianotech] Abel naturals - report

As to steaming them, I just can't imagine from my experience of this felt how this might ever be necessary.  All the sets I have had have been just the right amount too bright after preliminary papering up, requiring what I consider to be a reasonable amount of toning, and they are a pleasure to tone. 


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